I have to apologize, I haven’t been able to keep up the blog due to my having major computer problems. I’m hoping that this will change very soon.
Human beings by nature have a particular way of classifying things. Specifically, things that are familiar to them. Smells, sights and sounds are usually rounded off to the nearest memories in order to accomplish a sense of comfort and acceptance. In other words, it’s easier for people to swallow something they can refer the taste to compared to something new. Like some exotic meats of cuisine, (snake, octopus and frog legs) most people would say tastes like chicken. Which in case brings me to Bojuka. Usually when other martial artists and professional warriors view a demonstration of any kind in regards to Bojuka, comparisons to other forms of martial art systems begin to quickly follow. I have been told that Bojuka is a Krav Maga knock off, modified Wing Chun or that it’s a bad form of Wing Chun and Kali mix as well as other unflattering comments. First off lets get something clarified, Bojuka is a non-traditional American martial art based in America. Despite it’s using certain traditional martial art drills as building blocks for the attributes of the practitioner, it’s thinking and philosophy is very much geared towards American views and philosophy. People compare Bojuka to Krav Maga because Krav Maga has been successfully marketed, but unknown to many Bojuka existed in America long before Krav Maga first ever appeared on a magazine here in the states or in Jennifer Lopez's film "Enough". I know of this personally because I have lived my martial art career through several of the major martial art revolutions. I have experience how they have come to popularity. The kickboxing revolution, the Jeet Kune Do revolution, The Ninjutsu craze, the Gracie Jujitsu /UFC revolution and now the mix martial arts/close quarter combat revolution are all examples of systems that boast superiority for street combat. If you do a side by side comparison of the systems of Bojuka and Krav Maga’s tactics you will see that Bojuka is truly geared for American street confrontations due to the understanding, reinforcement and training of legal ramifications that arise from life threatening altercations. Also, there are several core concepts that are exclusive to the system of Bojuka such as the Rock, Zoning, The
Thank You!
Sifu James,
“Train Well, Train Smart, Fight Hard!”
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